Technological & Natural Wonders.

An inspirational and awe-inspiring tour at Doef’s Greenhouses.


The enormous scale of operations at Doef’s Greenhouses not only inspires a sense of awe, but literally left myself speechless. Grandiose in nature and breathtaking to look at, this almost alien world completely shattered my perception on the possibilities of horticulture in Alberta. Technologies, fairly simple in their individual means, are staggering and remarkable when blown up in scale.

11 acres of carefully controlled crops ascend row by row. Tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and more. “A cucumber for every Albertan twice over”, says our guide Eric Doef. He goes on to explain the ins and outs of his enterprise, explaining how the rails between rows are also heaters. Informing us that they also use similar heaters at the middle and top of crops for precise application of heat.



All questions were answered almost overly thoroughly, without a step of hesitation or concealment. The honesty and willingness to share every bit of operations has been a recurring theme in our trips. It seems that every farmer simply wishes to discuss farming! All be it the farmers stress these are still businesses; they must charge for product, they must make money. But they have no filter when talking about their passion.

To see this technology so close to home, to get an in-depth look, to see and smell and touch and taste! This is truly inspiring. Working at an operation like Doef’s Greenhouses seem like the perfect winter job. Fingers crossed!


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